SMM Parish
3 min read
Rediscover Jesus in Adoration
A busy mom reflects on how making adoration a habit has blessed her life in unexpected and beautiful ways.
2025 Applications — Now Open through March 15, 2025.
Dr. John J. and Dr. Margaret T. Clark were dedicated members of Saint Mary Magdalen parish. As life-long educators, the Clarks directed that a gift be made through their estate to endow scholarships for students who are members of Saint Mary Magdalen parish toward their post-secondary education.
Annually, one eligible student is selected by the Scholarship Committee to receive a scholarship toward the first two years of undergraduate tuition for their chosen college, university, or trade school. The scholarship amount is $5,000 annually for up to two years.
Eligible students must be active Saint Mary Magdalen parish members and current high school seniors.
We, the faithful of St. Mary Magdalen parish, are a Catholic Christian community committed to the Gospel message that Jesus Christ is our Savior. Our mission is to spread the Good News of Salvation. We strive to accomplish our mission by welcoming all to be a part of our worshiping community through prayer, the Eucharistic celebration, and other sacraments by witnessing the Truth in word and deed; teaching and proclaiming God's Word; loving our brothers and sisters; healing and serving those in need. We pray to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through the intercession of Mary, our Mother, Saint Mary Magdalen, and all the saints to grace and guide us.
Saint Mary Magdalen, through your friendship with our Lord, Jesus Christ, you were delivered from the seven demons of pride, anger, lust, greed, envy, gluttony, and sloth. Through the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit, renew within us the sevenfold gifts of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, courage, piety, and fear of the Lord so that, like you, we, too, can announce the good news of our Risen Lord by a life of virtue. Amen.
—Rev. Msgr. Ralph Chieffo, Pastor Emeritus
Parish Registration
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Pre-Jordan Classes