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An Envisioning Parish

Welcome to our parish's Envisioning page, a new initiative as of January 2025. As a parish, we are embarking on a process to understand how St. Mary Magdalen can be more effective in forming disciples of Jesus Christ—and this process begins with you.


Your feedback and insights are vital in assisting us in becoming the best parish community we can be. To that end, we need to hear from a broad array of parishioners, active and less active in our community, about the hurdles they are experiencing in their faith journeys and how we might be able to assist them.


Below are links and resources to help us accomplish this ongoing mission. We are grateful for your assistance and support. 

Gospel Reflection 

First, please take a moment to read the scripture below from the Gospel of John and reflect on the questions included. Use the link provided to access the reading.


Parishioner Insight Form 

Then, we ask you to take a few minutes to share your feedback and insights about how St. Mary Magdalen can better support you in your faith journey. Please provide your insights using the link below.

Gospel Reflection
Insight Form

Thank you!

Finally, share this page with others, especially those who have moved away from our flock or do not regularly attend Mass.
We need to hear from them, too.

We will share what we learn in the spring of 2025, and our Envisioning Committee will follow up with next steps as a plan takes shape.

If you want to become more involved with our envisioning efforts at SMM, please contact Father Eric or Deacon Bob.

You can also click the link below to learn more about Archbishop Pérez's vision for the future of the Catholic Church of Philadelphia.

Message from Archbishop

Saint Mary Magdalen Parish is a Roman Catholic community of faith that seeks to live in the presence of Jesus Christ by the way we worship God, celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the Gospel, and serve one another and our neighbors. 



We are part of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and serve the community in and around Media, PA. All are Welcome!


2400 N. Providence Rd.

Media, Pennsylvania 19063


Office: 610.566.8821

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday:

 9 AM to 4 PM



9 AM to Noon

or by private appointment.

Closed during summer.

Rev. Eric J. Banecker


Rev. Msgr. Ralph J. Chieffo

Pastor Emeritus


Created by KBDC for St. Mary Magdalen Parish  I All rights reserved

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